It's always fatal to go anywhere near a good cheese shop, even if you only go in to taste as I did this week during the course of my researches for a feature for Culture cheese magazine. (Well worth subscribing to if you're a cheese nut)
I've ended up with 8 different cheeses in the fridge mostly from La Fromagerie but couldn't resist this Gouda-style cheese from Paxton & Whitfield. It's made in County Offaly in southern Ireland and has an incredible depth of flavour without the dryness or saltiness that sometimes goes along with that. Not unlike the Prima Donna I wrote about a year or so ago but better. And its organic.

Get the mature one though (Paxton's told me the one I bought (above) was nine months old) rather than the younger cheese which is curiously bland by comparison.
They also have a Facebook page - as all self-respecting cheeses seem to do these days . . .