Anyway Cashel Blue, a blue cows' cheese made in Co. Tipperary by Jane and Louis Grubb, is a great cheese - on a par in my view with the best Stilton and Gorgonzola but somewhat more sympathetic to any accompanying red wine. You can read more about it on the very helpful Teddington Cheese site here.
Other Irish cheeses I would single out are Ardrahan, Durrus and Gubbeen (all washed-rinded cheeses), the Gouda-style Coolea and St Tola organic goats' cheese but there are many more.
If you're in London today a good place to find them is Neal's Yard in Covent Garden and Borough Market, or in Dublin at Sheridan's (above) a tiny boutique-like shop in South Anne Street.
Thanks for giving Irish cheese a plug! There are so many good ones.
There are indeed, Kieran. I really love them!
I love Irish cheeses. But I find that on St. Patrick's Day everyone that comes into the shop asks for Irish Cheddar or Caerphilly which has confused me for some time.
They're really not as well known as they should be, Cheesewench. We have to remedy that!
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