Monday, June 22, 2009

La Vache qui Rit - the next big thing?

I was really amused to find a triangle of the French processed cheese La Vache qui Rit on the cheeseboard of Eastside Inn, the very posh restaurant in London I went to the other day. Apparently it was the chef Bjorn van der Horst's favourite childhood cheese.

Fortunately the other cheeses were rather more substantial otherwise one would be more than a bit miffed at having to pay £15 for the experience (the cost of a cheese plate and a glass of wine). The others on that occasion were St Tola (a very good Irish goats cheese), Roquefort and what I thought sounded like L'Etivet, a strongly flavoured semi-hard cows' cheese from Switzerland which I hadn't come across before. (I've since been informed by the very helpful Food and Wine Diarist that it's L'Etivaz, so that's that mystery solved.)

Actually I have to admit that the Vache qui Rit - which of course means The Laughing Cow and which has rather a jolly website here - fitted in rather well, adding a mild creamy counterpoint to the cheeseboard.

Sets a precedent though: are we now going to find a bottle of Heinz salad cream served with our side-salad or a bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk chocolate or a few Smarties tucked by our dessert if the chef has a fondness for them? Watch this space . . .


The Food and Wine Diarist said...

Could the evasive Swiss cheese be AOC L'Etivaz - a member of the gruyere family from the Vaud canton?

dex said...

Nice to see the laughing cow make an appearance.
That used to be a regular when we were kids, when we had cheese back at home (switz) along with the more "grown up" cheeses.

Fiona Beckett said...

Bingo - Food and Wine Diarist. I'm sure that's it. Thankyou!

And glad you remember Laughing Cow so fondly, Dex. Must admit it has the edge on Dairylea ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Fiona,

Thanks for the post about the Vache qui Rit - and it's true, one of his favourite cheeses. I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm Bjorn's brother, I just thought I'd tell you I linked to this post from the Eastside Inn Facebook page (

Have a great evening

Sal said...

That is so cool. :o)

Our fridge is never without a round of Laughing Cow. I buy it for the boys. Ahem.

Fiona Beckett said...

Good to hear from you Willem. Very impressed that Eastside has a Facebook page - no doubt down to you. Most chefs wouldn't have a clue ;-)

And glad your ... er boys....are fans, Sal. Our youngest used to love it.

Signe said...

the laughing cow was always a staple lunch box cheese at school and I still love its creaminess. one is never too grown-up for an iconic processed cheese...