As you can see from the picture it's not much to look at, even when the clingfilm is removed. It's one of those cheeses which is coated in wax which I imagine is what gives it its semi-soft, almost spreadable texture - almost like a posh Dairylea. The taste however is fantastic - rich, mellow (it lacks the acidity of most goats' cheeses) and moreish. It's absolutely impossible to stop nibbling it as I've found to my cost.
They don't appear to have a website of their own but according to one distributor Cheeses Direct it's vegetarian and, interestingly, can also be frozen. Not that it would last that long in this household.
What do you think about waxed cheeses? A good or not-so-good idea?

Hello Fiona - so glad you liked it though not sure about the posh Dairylea connotation - I am Iona of Ribblesdale Cheese! Yes, I can confirm, it is vegetarian and yes, it can be frozen. And yes, you are spot on, it is deliberately low on the acidity scale.
You are right, we regrettably do not have our own website - a competitor has it and won't give the domain name back. So last Sunday, out of sheer frustration, I started a blog: http://ribblesdalecheese.wordpress.com/
When I work out how to link to your blog, I will, if that is ok with you. I am a novice at blogging...
Hhhmmm, to wax or not to wax. I could have a long debate with you on that one on the pros and cons from a maker's point of view - would welcome yours. Interestingly, we are making three new cheeses, all with natural rinds - a blue cow cheese, a blue goat cheese and a naturally rinded (low acidity) goat cheese.
With best wishes, Iona
I picked up the Ribblesdale Goat cheese at Rippon in London. Carried it back in my suitcase to the U.S. and shared with friends last night. It is delicious and exactly as described (although I can't say that I know what Dairylea is). Thanks for the delicious cheese! Do you ship to California? :-)
This cheese certainly is very tasty, but is the milk still sourced in Holland? A pity if it is.
Hello anonymous, to make the original goats cheese the milk comes from Grewlethorpe near Ripon North Yorkshire. You can also find them on facebook search for The Little Cheese Shop and on that is a link to thier milk supplier.
Hello, anonymous 12th Sept. I take great exception to you saying that our goat milk comes from Holland. You are sadly misinformed. PLease get your facts right.
This is Iona again, from Ribblesdale cheese. As anonymous 13th Jan quite rightly says, our goat milk comes from Hackfall Goats - see: www.hackfallgoats.co.uk
We make 14 cheeses ourselves, 7 of which are made from Hackfall Goat milk, 5 from a small single herd of pedigree, award winning Friesan cows about 10 miles away from us and 2 sheep cheeses, milk from Simon Stott at Laund Farm.
Anonymous 12th Sept - why don't you come and see us and take part in making cheese? We might even let you make our new Yorkshire Gouda with us.
With best wishes, Iona from Ribblesdale Cheese - see our blog: http://ribblesdalecheese.wordpress.com
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